Topics for the II Quinquemestre Exams (2018-2019)

Guideline for the II Quinquemestre Exams

Grammar &Word Recall

  • Simple past (Regular / Irregular verbs)
  • Simple past (Negative sentences)
  • Comparatives and Superlatives
  • Gadgets (unit 6)
  • Health problems (unit 7)
  • Sea animals (unit 5)
Listening &Speaking

  • Student's book / Workbook (units 6/8/7)
  • Talk about what you did  on your last holiday.

Reading & Writing
  • Practice readings from the units 6/7/8.(Student's book)
  • Write sentences in past tense (affirmative / negative form)
  • Answer wh-questions and simple questions in past tense.
Note: Study the exercises from the notebook, books and worksheets.


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