Guideline for the I Term I Quinquemestre

Grammar & Word Recall

  • Simple questions with Can
  • Short answers with can
  • Sentences with good at/ not good at
  • Holiday plans: keep a scrapbook, help in the garden, build a tree house, etc.
  • Intro unit  vocabulary: treasure, upstairs, downstairs, cellar, find, castle,etc.

Reading& Writing

  • Write questions with Can
  • Answer WH-questions: Ex: How old are?, When is your birthday?,What would you like to do in  holidays?, etc.
  • Short reading about personal information.

  • Check and practice the activities with the CD from the SB, unit 9 (Super Minds 2) and the CD from the SB (Super Minds 3) unit intro.

Answer the following personal information questions:
a) How old are you?
b) What’s your father’s /mother’s name?
c)When is your birthday?
d) Can you swim?
e) What would you like to do in the holidays?


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